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Soul Birth

Why would you want to Birth your own Soul or Assist the Birth of Souls?

Soul Birth is a journey taken by us to re-awaken ourselves to our Divinity and to re-connect to Unconditional Love and Oneness of our Creator.

This is a journey that can also be undertaken from the perspective of consciously assisting incarnating Souls to physically birth onto planet Earth through us and be supported to remain consciously connected to All That Is/Unconditional Love/Oneness – from birth.

It, therefore, goes without saying that for this to happen, the parents of said Souls will be on their own journey of Soul Birth – of reconnecting with Unconditional Love and Oneness.

The Soul Birth Journey is but one way of undertaking this process of returning from our fragmented state of Many-ness to Oneness. This process can start off relatively unconsciously, and as we open to the synchronicities that present themselves to us, our journey takes on a life of its own. For some people, they are so busy ‘trying’ to survive, that they are “unable to hear or see the signs. The nudges, prods and kicks may be completely misinterpreted or misperceived.

Any of the four entry levels into this process of Birthing your own Soul can be utilized – the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Bodies/Realms/Dimensions. It is possible and probably preferable to work with more than one Body, even all at once to accelerate your process – the choice is always yours. Each of these Bodies will be dealt with in separate chapters. There may be separate books on the Soul Birth of parents preparing to assist Souls to incarnate, and the Soul Birth of any and all persons intending to re-member their own Divinity and re-connect with Unconditional Love and Oneness. This process is also called Ascension. During this lifetime, we are being given the opportunity to do this while still in the physical body.

What Soul Birth has to offer?

  • Angelas focus at this time for those birthing their own souls and those assisting souls to birth into this dimension is, firstly, Exploring the Unique Multi-Modality, Multi-Dimensional Soul Birth Blueprint of Parents and their just-born Children;  DNA Re-Patterning: Awakening the Chakras, Endocrine Glands and their Hormones to their true spiritual functions and purpose, with the first stage of this process being the De-activation of the Death Hormone and Re-Activation of the Rejuvenation Hormone in the Pituitary Gland, along with Healing Separation and Activating the God Gene.  This initial process de-activates the death programming in the Pituitary Gland, and restores the Life or Rejuvenation Hormone  there in order that the old programming does not sabotage any other healing.  Thereafter, the entire Endocrine System can be restored and re-activated using energy pattern codes, information and chakra songs that are sung into the body and energy field.   The reason for the DNA Re-Patterning is that each gland interfaces with a particular chakra, which in turn interfaces with cosmic energetic vibrations from our Multi-dimensional Self and Source Mother/Father God, All That Is.

Once these early stages have been completed, the Journey may begin in whatever way the Seeker or Parent is inspired to….

    • Assistance in the Exploration of the Blueprint for this life – to ‘remember’ how to read this Road Map back to Self, deepen our understanding of this path of duality and polarity we have chosen to experience, by re-connecting with the polarities presented in the Zodiac, Human Design System and Gene Keys Sequences, with the possibility of going deeper with other Tools and Modalities;
    • Re-connect Body and Soul/Spirit, thru bridging the inner and outer planetary energies – on our path to So(u)lar / Galactic / Cosmic Consciousness – as they present in each natal chart, thus remembering why we incarnated on Earth NOW;
    • Familiarization with the major life cycles in order to work with the energies as we go thru the ‘crisis’ points as the Planets transit through our lives;
    • Understand why some choices make us feel happy and some don’t;
    • Understand how and why the planetary and Zodiac energies (Cosmic forces) can re-connect us with our Divine, Multi-Dimensional Selves;
    • Crystal Vibrational Work as mentioned above in the offering section;
    • A remembrance of the body’s innate ability to Heal and rebalance itself, and to follow the body’s guidance;
    • Tools towards Self-Awakening – to assist in the release of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockages that prevent our opening to the Divine Beauty within, thus assisting Mother Earth to unblock Herself gracefully and less catastrophically;These Tools and Modalities:
    • Assist and support all humans, especially birth facilitators and childrearing women to re-awaken and remember the true nature of the physiological process of childbirth, from before conception to way beyond birth, in order to assist the birth of incarnating souls to be easy, peaceful, graceful and loving;
    • Support all parents and potential parents who have an inner knowing that they are their own Best Midwives and Doulas;
    • Assist in creating a greater awareness of the impact of the many unnecessary medical interventions in the natural primal physiological process of childbirth;
    • Support parents to maintain their baby’s connection to Its Divine Spiritual Nature, while experiencing their full potential in the 3-dimensional material realm of Earth.

If you are not conscious and aware of WHY it is important for you to be conscious of the way you approach the birth of your children onto this beautiful planet, then you obviously have not yet begun a journey of Re-Awakening to Who You Truly Are.

If this is the case, then you have some options:

  1. You can forget that you ever read these words and go back to the hypnotized snooze that humanity has been under for the last many millennia (except that the Cosmic Energies that are bombarding the Planet at this time are also bombarding every single human being, so you will be awoken one way or the other anyway), and continue to give your power away to the medical men and their lackeys who “deliver” your babies from your body;
  2. Put your thoughts of beginning a family on hold for a while, as you re-assess your life to find out what it is that humans are actually doing here on this planet,
  3. So that you and your partner can begin your own journeys of Re-Awakening to fuller Consciousness – to Who You Truly Are – before consciously conceiving a welcomed  loved beautiful well-nourished healthy (on all levels) child.

If you are consciously journeying to self-awakening, then choosing conscious childbirth is definitely a no-brainer, because you understand that it is a privilege and an honour to encourage and support souls to use your prepared bodies through which to incarnate – rather than unconsciously perpetuating the general system of hypnotic, mesmerized, medically-managed (= give-my-power-away), toxic childbirth that pervades our planet at this time!

As a Birth Transition Guide (Adoula), Angela is able to work with expectant parents to develop and maintain a deep, spiritual connection with their baby long before the actual birth, especially from before conception. The entire process of Conception, Pregnancy and Birth can be much smoother and more fulfilling, eliminating the infertility issues and much of the pain and trauma often associated with pregnancy and birth, and even breastfeeding.

Birth Transitioning is for nearly anyone interested in going beyond current approaches to the birth process. Although modern medicine has made great strides in understanding conception, pregnancy and birth, the perspective remains primarily biological, mainly focused on the mother alone.

Who will benefit from Soul Birth?

  • Anyone who is not satisfied with the way their life is going;
  • Anyone who has the sense that there is more to life on Earth than the current apparently mundane existence we seem to be muddling through;
  • Anyone already on a Conscious Journey of Re-Awakening to their Divine Potential and Re-Connection with our Cosmic Creator;
  • Anyone seeking their life purpose, a glimpse of a Bigger Picture, awakening to the roadmap we gave ourselves at birth, and more.
  • Women who are ready to have a baby, knowing that there is much more to childbirth than:
    – Lying on the back in a hospital bed
    – Painfully labouring and
    – Pushing out their baby uphill (against gravity)
    – While the doctor or midwife or both shout at them to push ones baby out as quickly as possible in case some disaster should befall it;
  • Already Pregnant couples and their unborn babies;
  • Parents and their young children and teenagers;
  • All manner of Childbirth Facilitators – obstetrical and gynaecological professors; general medical practitioners; obstetric and gynaecological doctors; trained nurses and midwives, ambulance paramedics, dieticians, physiotherapists, medical students, student nurses and midwives, etc – absolutely anyone who comes in contact with the birthing family from pre-conception to a minimum of one year after the birth on all babies;
  • Career Guidance Counsellors;
  • Educators of our children – from the primary to the postgraduate level;
  • Religious Leaders – especially those who have taken away our choices regarding when to assist souls to incarnate through us onto Planet Earth;
  • Politicians, etcetera
  • In fact, everyone who lives on Planet Earth at this awesome time.

Biography for Soul Birth with Angela Red River

Angela is a trained nurse and midwife, who, during her midwifery training, was introduced to the concept of Active Birth. This has been the inspiration behind her journey towards Re-Awakening to fully Instinctive Birth over more than three decades, since 1984, becoming less and less interventional in her approach to facilitating women through their birth process.

Angela has been continually moving towards the ‘grounding of spirit’ in her wholistic approach to conception, pregnancy, birthing and child rearing.

During 2002-4, she was involved in training midwives to feel confident assisting women to birth their babies in more instinctive positions, such as the squat, supported squat, forward squat, side-lying, instead of the ‘stranded beetle’ position – on the back (very often, flat on it).

Since then, Angela has had the opportunity to research the negative impact of the medical model of childbirth management; of its impact on the mother, her baby, partner, the community and the global community.

A quest up the east coast and down through central Australia provided Angela with vibrational tools to assist the healing of birth trauma, conscious conception, nurturing protection and sexual abuse issues.

Birth Transitions Guidance offers a fully wholistic service to women, their babies, their partners, the community and the planet. Here she facilitates the connection between the host parents and the incoming soul, resulting in greater ease and beauty of fertility, pregnancy, the birth, bonding, breastfeeding and parenting.

A huge portion of her life has been spent Re-Awakening and Remembering Who She Truly is as a Being of the Cosmos, along with an understanding that she is her Own Best Healer and Midwife, the many modalities that she has reconnected with in this lifetime.

Three modules of Synchronization Harmonics have inspired Soul Birth Healing, which is a conglomeration of all the modalities that Angela has been guided towards and has embraced in this lifetime, where each client and herself is guided by their/her own Higher Self to exactly which vibrational frequencies and processes they/she “need/s” from their/her wholistic rebalancing and reharmonization of discordant energies within their/her physical and subtle bodies.

Eco – + Enviro – Friendly Childbirth

Part of “Rethinking our Яethinking” has to begin with the way humans are “delivered” onto Mother Earth. This should, in fact, read how they are “birthed” or “birthing” onto this beautiful planet. “Delivered” is equivalent to giving away one’s birthing power, while “birthing” means to take responsibility for how our babies arrive on this sacred planet.

There are a number of aspects to Eco- and Enviro-Friendly Childbirth.

An Alternative Corona “Vaccine”

First of all, this is NOT an April-fool’s gag!

The words that follow came about as I was browsing through my emails this morning. I came across one entitled “Prediction of Vaccine Arrival”, referring to Corona, from Peter Diamandis.

I was immediately inspired to take pen to paper regarding my thoughts on this matter, and a possible alternative. And, Yes, I do still use pen and paper to bring my inspirations to Life!

Frog in a Pan

Some years ago, Al Gore, in his documentary on climate change, introduced me to the concept or metaphor for the way humans behave – by looking at a frog in a pot of water. If one tossed a frog into to boiling water, it would jump straight out! But if one turned up the heat slowly after placing the frog in cold water, the frog would remain in the water until it died!

As I was emerging from sleep this morning, I was reminded of the above scenario in relationship to labour and birth; maternity care. From the time that 9 million midwives and healers wer burned at the stake as witches in the middle Ages, where the male medicine men took over the ‘care’ of women during their ‘confinements’, more and more interventions have been introduced at a gradual but steady rate.

Our Children are Born Sick – they do not get sick

(inspired by “Never Be Sick Again” – Raymond Francis)

The title of this article comes from a statement I found in an article on Prevent Disease website, which actually confirms what I have been thinking and saying for the last many years. It is the basis for what I believe to be the most important element for the preparation of both parents for the conception of their children.

Conscious Conception

Is This Possible in this day and age of Medicalized Childbirth Management?

Some questions to stimulate the imagination:

What will it take for humans to wake up to the fact that they are the vehicles through which Souls incarnate into this 3-Dimensional realm called Earth?

What is the present way of childbirth, where women do not even realize that they are disempowered in the realm of childbirth, saying about the medical profession, especially obstetric practitioners and medically trained midwives?

CONSCIOUS CHILDBIRTH including Conscious Conception

Firstly, if we are contemplating a Conscious approach to Childbirth for our children, it presupposes that we will already have begun a journey of awakening to the fact that we are far greater than what our cultures, and especially our religions, have lead us to believe we are. Also part of this predisposition is that we innately feel that childbirth is a process that involves far more than the medical and religious systems have lead us to believe. We may not know exactly what this way of childbirth truly involves, but we are willing to take the journey of re-awakening to that knowing!

My own journey of re-awakening to this knowing has taken me on a rollercoaster ride over the past, nearly, 30 (to 54) years. Even when I wasn’t consciously journeying, there was an inner drive – an inner consciousness – that spurred me onwards into each and every experience that would and has enhanced my ever-growing understanding of Who I Truly Am, including a greater Truth about Health, Healing and Childbirth as God/Goddess intended. This possibility is available to each and every one human on this planet!

Personal Consultations

  • Multi-Modality Birth Blueprint Exploration – Astrological Natal Chart, Tarot Archetypes, Human Design System, Gene Keys Profile and Sequences, and many others – gives one a much broader perspective of the Road Map created by the Moment of our Birth;
  •  Astro-Tissue Salt Replacement Therapy; Facial Analysis Mineral Replacement Therapy; Astro and other Flower Essences;  Astro-Herbs, and much more;
  • Crystal Ally + The Liquid Crystal Oracle Readings and Layouts, as well as Crystal Layouts + Chakra Balancing;
  • Kaleidoscopic Crystalline Endocrine Limbic Activation;
  • Conscious Wholistic Health Care – including High Vibration Nutrition; The Emotion Code, to Release Trapped Emotions; Rose of Raphael DNA Re-Patterning of the Endocrine Glands and their Hormones to Re-Awaken the Divine-Physical Connection by Restoring and Re-Activating their True Spiritual Function, which includes the  Spleen, the Placenta Gland (Navel Chakra), and Polypothymus or Polyanna Gland (Womb Chakra); Conscious Breathing; Detaching from the Matrix
  • Spiritual Midwifery – Support towards Conscious Conception, Pregnancy, Orgasmic Empowered Birth, Bonding, Breastfeeding + Parenting;
  • Birth Debriefing and Revisioning, following, especially, traumatic births of ones own birth or the birth of ones Children, including Rose of Raphael Birth Healing Combination Essences to support this Journey;
  • Rose of Raphael Magdalene and Yeshua Feminine and Masculine Codes and Combination Vibrational Essences for ones own Soul Journey;
  • “Essence of the Centre” Vibrational Essences;
  • Energetic Integrated Balancing for Family Members After Birth – Newborn Alignment – Rose of Raphael Vibrational Essences;
  • Soul Birth Vibrational Healing Sessions (see below);
  • New Energy and Self-Awaken Tools for Self-Mastery.

Workshops and Retreats

  • Multi-Modality Birth Blueprint Exploration – Astrological Natal Chart, Tarot Archetypes, Human Design System, Gene Keys Sequences, and many others – gives one a much broader perspective of the Road Map created by the Moment of our Birth;
  • Rose of Raphael DNA Re-Patterning of the Endocrine Glands + Hormones, as mentioned above;
  • Conscious Conception Preparation;
  • Completing the Birth Picture – Towards Orgasmic (Painless) Empowered Birth;
  • Igniting of the Magdalene and Jeshua Codes in the Sacred Marriage;
  • Group Soul Birth Vibrational Healing, where any Vibration or Frequency from the entire Omniverse can be invoked to Re-Balance any Discord or Dis-ease within ones Physical or Subtle bodies;
  • Soul Birth Mandala-Creating + Aboriginal Basket Making;
  • New Energy and Self-Awakening Tools for Self-Mastery.

Contact Details of Soul Birth with Angela Red River

Address: 70 Bergland Nature Reserve, Noordkaap / Barberton, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Operating Globally for Distance Healing and Online Webinars, Skypes and Zoom calls.

Contact Number: +27 63 178 2156

