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CV – Peak performance coach, keynote & global speaker
CV Media – branding and marketing solutions
MSC – life and business coaching, team building & team thinking
FIREWALKAFRICA – join the global firewalking movement
Bennie Keen – life Coaching and business consulting, team building & team thinking

FiXiT Health Hub
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FiXiT Health Hub

FiXiT Health Hub Not sure where to start? Pop in for a coffee or call us for a free chat, more info, and some direction. We believe that it is not enough to simply live. With a bit of effort, determination, a touch of guidance and a scoop of support you canThrive with Vigour! Join…

Shamballah Tea House & Holistic Centre
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Shamballah Tea House & Holistic Centre

Shamballah Tea House & Holistic Centre The Mythic Shamballah Legend has it that Shamballah is a land of enlightened beings; a Pure Land. The word Shamballah is derived from a Sanskrit term that translates as tranquil-certain; its a place of peace, tranquillity, and clarity. According to some, Shamballah is a real place, but one that…

Be You Global – Health & Wellness Centre
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Be You Global – Health & Wellness Centre

Be You Global – Health & Wellness Centre Be You Global, Invest in yourself, your relationships, and your future by getting the help you need today through natural healing. Treatments Individualized treatment plans available. Packages include BodyTalk and Fascia Release sessions as well as consultations on various Natural Health care supplements available… BODYTALKBodyTalk is a…