FiXiT Health Hub
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FiXiT Health Hub

FiXiT Health Hub Not sure where to start? Pop in for a coffee or call us for a free chat, more info, and some direction. We believe that it is not enough to simply live. With a bit of effort, determination, a touch of guidance and a scoop of support you canThrive with Vigour! Join…

coMra Therapy with Charles Mitchley
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coMra Therapy with Charles Mitchley

coMra Therapy with Charles Mitchley Pain? Chronic Illness? Low Immunity?Relief is now available Experience relief from pain, injury and illness through coMra (Coherent Multi-Radiances). Case studies over more than 45 years have shown the effectiveness of low-level lasers for many medical conditions. Scientific research has also shown that magnetism, low-level ultrasound and LED colour lights…