Samantha Lewis
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Samantha Lewis

Samantha has a unique approach to applying energy, to shift what one has decided is a limitation. Her diverse way of facilitation and application of each individuals personal development, empowers them to see what they can change and make the choice to move forward in their life, by tapping into their own unique abilities, strengths and gifts.

Divine Space
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Divine Space

Divine Space Home Biography Home Welcome to Divine Space If you are ready to change your life or would like to know more about how color affects you, become a colour therapist, do color readings, become an Antaneea Technique therapist or simply learn new consciousness tools that could put you on the right track. Penni…

Be You Global – Health & Wellness Centre
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Be You Global – Health & Wellness Centre

[argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type="bordered" tabs_layout_2="ontop" tabs_title_typo="font_size~18||weight~inherit"][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title="Home" tab_id="1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471"][argenta_sc_text] Be You Global, Invest in yourself, your relationships, and your future by getting the help you need today through natural healing.   TREATMENTS Individualized treatment plans available. Packages include BodyTalk and Fascia Release sessions as well as consultations on various Natural Health care supplements available.. BODYTALK BodyTalk is a...
Angels Touch – Spiritual Healing Practice
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Angels Touch – Spiritual Healing Practice

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