Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics & Natural Therapies
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Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics & Natural Therapies

Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics & Natural Therapies You are sitting there wondering whether this is right for you, so too do you feel a flutter of excitement and a sense of “this is it!” Everyone wants to be happy and successful, right? So what’s holding you back? Join us at Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics to…

coMra Therapy with Charles Mitchley
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coMra Therapy with Charles Mitchley

coMra Therapy with Charles Mitchley Pain? Chronic Illness? Low Immunity?Relief is now available Experience relief from pain, injury and illness through coMra (Coherent Multi-Radiances). Case studies over more than 45 years have shown the effectiveness of low-level lasers for many medical conditions. Scientific research has also shown that magnetism, low-level ultrasound and LED colour lights…

Sue Louise – Intuitive Life Coach
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Sue Louise – Intuitive Life Coach

Sue Louise – Intuitive Life Coach How I can help you? Have you ever felt that you were meant to do something, be it a new vocation, a creative project, become a teacher, healer or anything that your heart literally desires? Something may be calling to you, but you put it on hold because of…