Cheryl-Ann at CompleteHealing4me provides the client, adult or child, with a comprehensive, holistic healing solution aimed at not only the physical body, but also the mind and spirit.
The following modalities are offered:
There are many ways of conceptualizing and handling issues raised during counselling. I like to use an eclectic approach, combining different holistic services to best suit the client. Traditional talk therapy is provided in a safe and nurturing environment where the emphasis is on finding solutions on every day problems. Very often the sessions are combined with TRE to release anxiety or stress related to these life events
I offer individual as well as family therapy, marriage counselling and trauma therapy.
TRE (Tension / Trauma Release Exercises):
TRE is the bodies natural way of healing itself by releasing neurogenic tremors that release the build up of stress, anxiety and tension caused by life events. PTSD or deep trauma is released from the body without the need for drugs or talk therapy, and was originally developed for war veterans returning from war zones.
Today it is also used to:
Treat illnesses e.g. Fybromyalgia.
Aids with depression.
Increase strength and coordination of the musculoskeletal and nervous system after surgery.
One of its greatest benefits is providing clarity of mind so that the correct decisions can be made during times of high stress such as divorce.
TRE can be included into corporate and workplace wellness in the form of group sessions or as part of a workshop on dealing with stress and trauma in the workplace.
Individual or group sessions are available.
Skype sessions are also available to those that live far away as well as overseas.
Self-Esteem Therapy:
Courses are offered either on an individual basis or as a group for parents of young children who wish to build and maintain healthy self-esteem in their children. Please contact me for details.
Chakra Balancing:
The aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds the body. Illness and disease can be detected in the aura long before it manifests in the physical body.Like the skin, it can become dirty, develop cracks and tears, as well as leak energy. This therapy aligns the chakras and removes energy blocks and negative psychic energy from the aura.
Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing:
Energy is channeled from Lords of Light such as Thoth and Sananda, who have very strong connections to Ancient Egypt and are well respected for their healing abilities. In addition, Archangels, the guiding realm as well as other being of light assist in the healings which focus on the physical as well as energetic bodies. As in Ancient Egypt, talk therapy is often combined with this modality, as true healing will only take place when the cause of the illness or blockage is addressed.
Remote healings can be arranged.
I grew up in a very sheltered environment due to being sexually abused at the age of three. This event led to extremely low self-esteem and shyness, which prevailed well into my forties. Sitting at the edge of Kloof Gorge considering suicide, I cried for help and in that moment my life changed forever. I went on self-help courses, read countless books and started meditating. It was during this practice that my connection to the Divine strengthened.
At that time I was a teacher, but I had always had this deep desire to help other people with low self-esteem who had experienced trauma, so I completed a degree in Metaphysics, became a Reiki Master and TRE facilitator, as well as completing a diploma in counselling.
I read a book called The Ancient Secrets of the Tree of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek and in it he mentions a Lord of Light called Thoth. I remember thinking how blessed he was to have such a wonderful being as his guide. Several months later Thoth entered my life to explain to me about the amazing healing which I was to share with the world – Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing.
Thoth, Sananda and other Lords of Light with strong ties to ancient Egypt use my body as a channel to perform the healings. What is significantly different is that I am fully conscious and aware of what is happening during the healings. Also present during the healings are the relevant Archangels as well as guiding realm.
At present, I combine my knowledge to provide a comprehensive, holistic alternative to healing the mind, body and spirit. My speciality is dealing with people who have experienced trauma of any kind, be it emotional, sexual or physical. Using TRE we release the trauma stored at a cellular level. My sessions are structured to meet the needs of each clients specific body requirements. Doing TRE is enough to release present and past trauma but if the client would like to talk things through I counsel either during the TRE session or seperately. My energy healing sessions are usually at the request of the client and is used to remove energetic residue from the aura.
I met Cheryl-Ann about a year ago and in the last year my life has completely changed. All the old stories have been packed away and I find myself writing new ones every single day. I never thought I would be free of the worries, anxiety, sadness, self-sabotage, anger, resentfulness that I felt deep within myself. I have been on this difficult journey of self-healing for many years but what I have achieved with the guidance of this wonderful healer over the last year has made all the hardship worthwhile. The amazing tools I have learnt through TRE have made it simple to release any new challenges that come my way and to quickly nurture any of the old trauma that sometimes resurfaces.
The tremoring was, at first, a strange experience. However I have felt the benefits of TRE as I have:
– Rid myself of my emotional baggage.
– I am more flexible, and am therefore able to lead a more fulfilled life doing things I havent been able to do since childhood.
– My core muscles have strengthened dramatically and therefore my stamina has increased.
– My weight has fallen off – 17kg in 8 months, and this has had a profound impact on my self-image.
– My migraines have gone completely.
– My cataplexy has taken a back seat as I sleep better.
Try it! Stick with it even if you think it isnt working – you will look back after a few months and realise how far you have come!
Initially my skeptical nature kicked in and I almost cancelled the appointment. However, my curiosity led me to Cheryl-Anns healing room to experience Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing first hand.
Her confident, professional and calm manner soon had me at ease. I loved the gentle music and the soft green light which seemed to envelop me in its comforting aura. I could feel her move around the room and send healing to different parts of my body. As I relaxed more, the healing that occurred was more intense and I felt my Chakras being aligned. At one stage, I was convinced I was levitating, which CA later confirmed. I saw my soul hover above my body, a light blue in colour.
After this initial session, I was more ready to face the demands of life with confidence and enthusiasm. For me it was an experience that was a catalyst in a chain of events which have led me to self-acceptance, self-love and a purpose here on the earth plane.
Thank you Cheryl-Ann for my healing. The Lords of Light have outdone themselves this time! My heart is full of gratification! You have given me back “my life” and direction”.
In this healing I was used as a conduit for my sister who had to live in intense pain from an unsuccessful back operation. I felt an intense heat in my lower back, with pressure, and thought Cheryl-Ann had placed a warm beanie bag there!
My sister reports that the severity of the pain has lessened. I felt extremely honoured to have been instrumental in this healing for her. Not only did she receive this healing over a distance, but my sciatica pain was zero when I got off the healing bed!
Contact Details
Address: 41A Old Main Road
Cell : 083 457 8802