Damian Wood Psychic
Reconnect with Spirit Rediscover your Life Force
Restore Balance
As a Psychic Medium, I am able to connect with spirit guides, where I receive messages about a clients past, present and future. These messages may be beneficial to help bring clarity on their lives and where it may be leading.
Many of the messages that I have received for my clients have been healing on many levels.
A quantity that is almost impossible to define! Energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Among the familiar forms are heat energy, energy of motion, electrical energy, and sound energy.
Reiki is a form of energy healing. This form of healing helps to maintain balance within, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is a form or spiritual or energy healing. It helps open up and remove blockages within the system. Each system within our bodies is intimately connected to the seven major charkas. When a particular chakra is healthy, balanced and open, so are its connected body parts, but when a chakra is blocked, damaged or closed, the health of the connected body parts and systems will begin to reflect this. Our chakras are affected by everything that happens to us – good things as well as bad. When a chakra is blocked it will affect the flow of chi or energy around the physical and energy bodies, and thereby the general state of health of the person. The chakra then needs healing to uncover and remove whatever is blocking it. Reiki will help remove these blockages and restore balance.
A Reiki session is a very pleasant and relaxing experience, which lasts between half an hour and an hour. Treatments are carried out with the client fully clothed (except the shoes) on a massage or practitioners table. The practitioner (or Reiki Masters) hands are placed and held still for a few minutes in specific positions over the chakras or areas of specific pain or discomfort. While energy then flows through you are able to achieve a very deep state of relaxation, which allows physical, mental or emotional stress to leave the body.
Most people who come for a Reiki treatment want help with a specific problem, or with long-term chronic complaints. Some people simply want to relax and recharge the batteries.
Damian is a Psychic Medium, Reiki Practitioner and also holds a Bsc in Natural Health where he studied Nutrition and Herbology. He has always believed in the connection between the body and soul when it comes to health and healing of an individual. He has contributed articles to the South African Journal of Natural Medicine, where his articles on Reiki and Natural Health have been well received. During sessions, Damian combines his ability as a Psychic Medium with Reiki, to help identify any blockages that may occur. He receives messages from spirit guides regarding his clients past, present and future. He has noticed with many of his clients how various emotions may manifest into physical ailments, and how beneficial and healing the messages he receives may be for his clients. Damians goal is to help his clients restore balance, both physically and emotionally.
Contact Details
Address: 22 Greenstone Drive, Greenstone Hill, Johannesburg
Cell : 082 863 8842
Email: dgwood79@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://www.damianwood.co.za/