Harmonic Sounds

Since the dawn of time, human beings have used sound to receive information from their environment, to communicate with each other, and to heal and transform. Almost all ancient cultures and indigenous peoples believed, and still believe, that sound is the creative, generative force which brought the Universe into being. In the New Testament it is written: “In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1) “The Word” quite clearly refers to sound, which is the God-force or creative force of the Universe. In the Hindu tradition the word AUM, which most of us know as Om, was the sound that initiated the Creation.

Online Courses

The Dome Center

Our Center is a space for retreats, courses and activities in beautiful Natural surroundings, situated in the village of Alcalalí, Alicante, Spain.

It was especially built for soundhealing therapies, so there are great acoustics and an amazing peaceful energy inside.

Sound Healing Training


Nestor Kornblum

Since 1995, Nestor has explored and practised the ancient art of overtone singing, also referred to as vocal harmonics, with particular attention to its therapeutic and meditational uses.

An experienced teacher, he has now taught thousands of people the techniques of overtone singing and Sound Healing in Spain, UK, Sweden, Finland, Italy, South Africa, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Canada and France.

He is one of a handful of Westerners to master the “Deep Voice” overtone chanting employed by Tibetan monks and Tuvan (Mongolian) singers, which enables him to sing up to four simultaneous notes , with a range of 5 octaves.

In addition to his own intensive research into all areas of sound as a healing modality, Nestor has studied Jonathan Goldman’s work on raising personal and planetary frequencies and vibrational repatterning in Boulder , Colorado.

Nestor has also completed Fabien Maman’s course “The Body as a Harp” which teaches the use of tuning fork acupuncture on the master points of the body and spine, specific frequencies for balancing aura and chakras and a number of extremely well researched techniques using sound, colour (light) and movement for healing. He has assisted Fabien by teaching overtone singing on this course.

From 1996—1999 Nestor studied energy work with Dutch clairvoyant/scientist/lecturer Reina Arendson, including balancing chakras and auras, healing and distance healing, and energy reading.

Nestor conducts regular courses (in English and Spanish) on sound healing, overtone singing and sound as a tool for personal and planetary transformation. Many of his courses are held in “The Dome” at his home in Spain , a large structure especially designed for its spectacular acoustics which amplify the subtle tones of the voice and acoustic instruments.

He has been interviewed many times on television, radio and in the press in the 20 countries where he presently works, as an expert on Sound Therapy and was invited by the Music Therapy Department of the National University for Distance Education in Madrid to do a programme on overtone singing which has been shown on national television in Spain.

He has also written articles in English and Spanish on Sound Therapy that have been published in S. Africa, Sweden , U.K. Belgium and Spain.

Due to his knowledge and ability to sing audibly the Overtone Series (Harmonic Scale), he has lectured and given Masterclasses in Universities and Music Schools.

Together with his wife Michêle Averard he has produced 10 CDs of healing/meditational music, which have sold thousands of copies in the countries where their courses are held. The CDs have received acclaim from therapists in all areas of healing and transformation for their ability to provoke transformation, relaxation, stress release and healing.

Nestor, in addition to his mastery of Vocal Harmonics (Overtone Singing) plays a variety of instruments including didgeridoo, monochord, tampura, jew’s harp, overtone flute, mouth bow and assorted percussion.

Nestor is an eloquent and charismatic speaker, and is no stranger to large audiences. He is thoroughly versed in the science and practice of Sound as a healing modality.

Perhaps the most remarkable of his achievements is that he neither sang nor played a musical instrument until the age of 30.

Michele Averard

Co-director and co-founder of both the Association of Sound Therapy and Harmonic Studies and the International Association of Sound Therapy, she is an internationally recognised Sound Therapist, Workshop Facilitator, author and singer/songwriter.

In 2010 she published her first book “Free your Voice, Heal your Life”, in English and Spanish, (Editorial Dilema). She is also co-owner of The Dome Center, headquarters of the Association of Sound Therapy, with her husband and co-author Nestor Kornblum.

Born in London, England. Her father was an actor and her mother a singer/actress. She was encouraged from an early age to develop her talents in the performing arts and so attended The Arts Educational School in Tring, and graduated from the Italia Conti Stage School.
During her childhood Michêle connected with the healing power of her own voice, and after school became a singer/songwriter.

In 1989 she formed a soul/rock band which was successful and later recorded an album with her own music and songs.
Having always had an interest in natural and alternative therapies, she decided to further examine the possibilities of healing with sound. In 1994 Michêle began her exploration and investigation into the therapeutic uses of sound.
At first she focused on helping people connect with and express their own sound, assisting them to re-establish a resonance with their energy bodies (electromagnetic fields). It became apparent that her special talent is a deep intuitive knowledge of what each individual needs to feel ‘in tune’ with themselves and their surroundings.

For three years she studied energy with Dutch clairvoyant Reina Arendson, which included chakra and aura balancing and healing; distance healing and energy reading.
During this period Michêle also became a certified Reflexologist and Craniosacral therapist with the European School of Craniosacral Therapy.
She has completed Fabien Maman’s course “ The Body as a Harp” which teaches tuning fork acupuncture on the command points of the body and spine, specific frequencies for balancing the chakras and healing the subtle bodies; and many well researched techniques using sound ,colour and movement for healing.

During the last three years she has held courses for children, teaching sound awareness, basic energy work and musical improvisation. She also was director of a seventeen-strong choir which performed sacred chants from many cultures and tribes around the world.

She conducts courses for women which focus on the celebration of femininity, honouring the masculine within, and the healing of emotional and psychological issues from childhood through the use of various Sound techniques.

Michêle has conducted courses in over 15 countries and, of course, Spain, mainly in “The Dome” at her home on the Costa Blanca. She also offers individual healing sessions with Tibetan singing bowls and other instruments. She is probably the only Westerner to have given a treatment of Sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls to a Tibetan monk.

She has released a childrens’ tape for world peace with a children’s choir, and a Spanish Instruction Tape with a chakra toning meditation and Overtone singing.

Together with her husband Nestor Kornblum she has produced 13 CDs. Michêle plays guitar, tampura, monochord, Native American flute, Tibetan Bowls and other acoustic instruments.

She lives in Spain with her husband Nestor and their three children.

Contact Details

Address: I work all over the world

The Association of Sound Therapy Buzon 2003
The Dome
Camino la Racona Alcalali
03728 Alicante

Cell : +34 686 942 033
Email: info@harmonicsounds.com
Website: www.harmonicsounds.com/

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