QLife Coaching

How can I help you?

Do you need transformational Coaching?

Do you need spiritual Coaching / Shaman teachings?

Do you need a career Assessment?

We are all standing in the Queue of Life –
waiting for something magnificent to happen.
We can wait or start to explore our own power and magnificence

Transformational Coaching:
I have come to teach self-love; in order to love yourself you need to be in alignment with life. There is a process in life, either you are in alignment with the process of life or not. If you are out of alignment with your life purpose you will create suffering for yourself and for those around you. The suffering is our teacher. Therefore I teach you to learn, to embrace your past and to restructure your current self in order to create a future which is in alignment with yourself and with all of life. When you are in alignment with your purpose your life will serve others. Your depression, stress, anger and addiction will be transformed not through guilt and shame, but through self-love. Once you love yourself, you will know how to love your neighbour as well. I don’t have all the answers, but I know all the answers are rooted deep within you. If I can teach you how to find and live your own truth. Then your life will truly be transformed as you will live a life of wisdom, consideration, love and peace.

Spiritual Coaching / Shaman:
This is the Journey of the Soul, it brings healing to the depths of the soul and to the depths of the body. I have studied and work with all religions. Spiritual Coaching is a journey which will bring you closer to your God. If you don’t believe in a God, then we journey closer and in alignment with nature, as nature delivers a spiritual experience as well. It is a very sacred journey, which will give you a great insight and experience of the Universe. You will receive a clearer understanding of your soul purpose earth. Spiritual coaching awakens the heart and it connects you to all that is, to all that was and to all that will be. It is a journey of where you will discover your inner wisdom and will see beyond this reality and beyond this experience.

Career Assessment:
How can we be in alignment with our Potential and with our Greatness if we are not doing what we love? Career Coaching is not only making use of assessment tests, it is looking at your strengths, it is looking at your whole life and bringing all the concepts you love about life together. In Career Coaching we observe the strengths and the weaknesses. I don’t choose a career for you, as you are your own individual – we look at different career choices. I empower you enough to make your own career choice. I check if your final career choice is in alignment with your inner greatness. Career coaching doesn’t only impact your career it impacts your understanding about yourself and your daily choices and behaviour as well.


As I live, I learn and what I teach comes from a place of knowingness. I am on a healing journey of self-discovery. My guidance is multi-faceted; I have an open mind and a free spirit. I coach as it is my passion to help people heal. I have studied various healing modalities; I have discovered a few modalities of my own. I combine all the different healing modalities through my gift of creativity and intuition in order to deliver an optimum result to each and every client. Some of my values are loyalty and commitment. I am present and therefore I will give you my best. Each client circumstances are unique, I am extremely adaptable and open minded and this creates flow in my coaching. If you are committed, dedicated and ready to work hard on yourself, I would recommend this journey to anyone. Please note this journey is personal, it is not a religious journey. It is a journey of self-discovery.


Qlife coaching held a self-expression course over 2days in which we were brought to our full potential and power!
The self expression course changed so many things in my reality, not only do I see the world differently I see myself differently and continue growing even after the course had ended. That is how amazing the effect and transformation was of this coarse. This course is definitely a must!! The most spectacular wonderful amazing Life Coach Quinton helped us all realize how truly special and unique we really are!! He has helped us see that we are amazing human beings each on our own special journey! Not only did quinton help us realize our full potential and power he had also introduced 15 unique people to one another and in the process I have made amazing new like minded friends with whom I Had the chance to share and see their wonderful gifts!! Quinton Mundell, you are amazing at what you do and I will forever be grateful for you crossing my path, your courses, your coaching, thank you for always giving your 100% and infinite support!!

– Nicole Barnard

Qlife Coach & Counsellor
I can’t think of a better life coach, with such an open and understanding mind and heart! The processes are rewarding beyond what I ever though it would be! I can truly say it’s change my life!
– Andre La Grange

Life changing. For a skeptic like me to have taken the leap of trusting this process and now firmly believing in it is evidence of how amazing Quinton is. This saved my life and is helping me rise higher than even my wildest dreams. Possibilities and opportunities surround me. Thank you until forever.

– Natasha Margaret Cloete

Never have I thought that I will ever feel sorry for myself for feeling sorry for myself my entire life. Playing the victim instead of being the conqueror to the happenings of my life, slowly losing me and the passion for my life which I was so generously offered. Its with a great amount of respect and the willingness/need that I granted myself the opportunity to get back to my roots in a journey of finding myself again, the inner me. Leaving behind the pity and and broken emotions. Today, I look back and I cannot thank myself enough for affording myself the opportunity to have started this journey with Quinton and Qlife Coaching. It has been an amazing adventure of knowledge and new found self love and self worth. One I recommend to every soul! Never has anyone made me so curious about myself in helping to reach deep down to find myself again, opening my eyes to a world that offers so much more for the person I truly am. Thank you Quinton for extending my believes and giving me new found glory trust to a true future to come. A life changing decision with a man of knowledge, understanding and great experience
– Jeandre Bezuidenhout
Honestly, I cannot imagine my life to be, nor go back to the way it was before I started my Life Coaching and Spiritual Coaching at Qlife with Quinton Mundell. No words can explain the journey I underwent, alongside a caring, enthusiastic but firm mentor.
Been caught up in between false believe and a shattered heart after my breakup, Qlife literally took me, and helped me find myself in more ways than one can explain. Since I started my Self love, Self confidence, my talents and skills, but most importantly my Spiritual growth has elevated to exceptional heights. It was not easy from time to time but pushing through the intense sessions presented by Qlife, It made a world of a difference in my personal, professional and spiritual life. Qlife’s tremendous attention to detail and willingness to help you Heal and remove blockages will change your life for the better good as mine and many others did!

If you have dedication and a goal to reach, I would definitely recommend Qlife to anyone embarking on a new journey. May Qlife (Quinton Mundell) be blessed abundantly for the work he does in Healing and helping others find themselves.

– Eddie Venter

Contact Details

Address: 207 George Anton St, Sinoville, Pretoria, 0129
Cell : 084 779 6734
Email: quintonmu@gmail.com 
Website: http://www.qlifecoaching.co.za/

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