Surrender To Your Soul

We all came into this lifetime with lessons to learn and blessings to gain. Our soul is yearning to lead us through the days and weeks of our life so we can reach our fullest potential. Unfortunately our ego gets in the way with its need to understand, fix, control, predict and protect us. Surrender allows us to step into the fullness of our life with all the joy and pain and connect to Spirit, to our Higher Self, to our Divinity, to Source; so we can grow, heal and en-joy all that we are intended to. While we have many trials to learn from, our journey in this lifetime is not intended to be as hard as we make it.

Whilst this may be simple to understand it is not always easy to know what your Soul calling is or why things happen in your life the way they do.

Imagine as a Soul you sat down before this re-incarnation and scripted your story for this lifetime, plotting the lessons you still want to learn, the gifts you want to unleash, the karmic cords that you want to balance, the contracts you want to fulfil, the pain you want to heal, the obstacles you want to overcome.

Knowing you will forget in your human self, you hand this plan over to your Guides and ask them to walk with you and when opportunities present themselves, to remind you of that which you need to know. This supports your journey of awakening and becoming the fullest version of yourself.

A Surrender session offers your Guides an opportunity to share this information with you in a way that provides you with perspective and power, so you can become aware of yourself on a new level, healing that which needs to be healed so you can continue to evolve to your own highest potential. The guidance is always offered with love and provides opportunity for you to choose your way forward. No guidance is ever an instruction as the most important agreement we have with our own Divinity is that of Free Will. All guidance is offered in practical terms and covers specific areas of our life like work, finances, relationships, purpose, family, home, health etc.

These powerful sessions give so much insight and guidance and when necessary karmic links to past lives are shared so that patterns that have been repeating themselves over many lifetimes can end, freeing our Souls to shift and grow in this lifetime. These sessions answer all the big WHYs we have about our life.

A session is based on what is most important for NOW, and as each layer is discovered and healed newer information is made available allowing our journey into ourselves to move into ever deepening layers.

Taryn also runs healing workshops which are channeled healing sessions focused on supporting each person to connect more deeply with their own Divinity, opening their hearts and embracing their own journey back to Love and Light.

For daily messages of inspiration and messages to support your journey of enlightenment, like our Surrender to your Soul Facebook page.

As each of us heals that which burdens us, so the whole heals too.


I have always been highly intuitive but through various experiences as a child decided that intellect was more valued. A story that was reinforced through my corporate career as an accountant. Despite a very successful career, I found myself at 32 burnt-out and unfulfilled and after leaving the world of banking identified how large the gap had become between my head and my heart. The daily fight of intellect vs heart was one that started my healing journey. Through my passion for people and human potential, I stumbled into the world of coaching and found the journey of supporting individuals, teams and organizations to reach their full potential highly rewarding. I am co-founder of Optimal Coaching and still an active partner in the business.

In 2010, my brother in law was killed in a car accident. This traumatic experience for me and my family catapulted my curiosity about life and death, souls, religion and spirituality. What followed was an awakening of knowledge and tapping into of truth that had long been dormant within me. Through a personal journey of exploration and an almost obsessive need to learn I became exposed to the world of Reiki, psychics, mediums, channellers, energy healing, meditation, auras, crystal healing, angels, tarot etc.

Through all this, I stepped closer and closer to my own truth and exposed myself to my own fears and insecurities and finally in 2013 faced the truth that I was very unhappy in my marriage. A lifetime of putting other peoples needs before my own and people pleasing caught up with me and I could no longer hide from my own truth. I made the most difficult decision of my life and decided to get divorced. Putting my own happiness ahead of all those that I loved and cared about including my 2 beautiful children was undeniably the turning point of my life. The process of undoing a lifetime to create a new one lasted 2 years and many times the only thing that got me through that time was faith and belief in my own soul. The process of exposing myself to all my fears and insecurities made me face my vulnerability and find the pieces of myself that had been missing. The metamorphosis allowed me to come out of the cocoon as a new more fulfilled and happier person than ever existed before.

This journey woke me up to my gifts and to the core purpose of my life which is to heal on a soul level. Through my own journey and divine guidance I started to embrace my ability to read energy, speak to spirits that have passed on, channel divine guidance and in 2015 made the leap to come out of hiding completely and start offering this to the world. I continue to be in awe of how these sessions transform peoples lives and am honoured to be a small part in each Souls healing. I choose to follow my own guidance and find myself learning to live my life from an enlightened space a challenging and enriching experience.

My journey is by no means complete but filled with possibility and as I live each day aligning myself with the principles of Surrendering to my own Soul, I learn, heal and grow along with humanity.



Dear Taryn.

Thank you for a day in which you shared your exceptional gift with us.

The workshop was a journey into ourselves, into our souls. It was inspiring, deeply emotional and profound.

Thank you for giving so freely of yourself.”

*** Odette Smith ***

“I have been working with Taryn consistently for 18 months on my own surrender journey. Being a very head based, analytical person this has been an extremely challenging yet most profound transformational experience. Taryn’s unique gift has allowed me to finally get to a place of embracing and integrating the wisdom of my soul into my life. I have had to work through deep-seated layers of ego held limiting (and supporting) beliefs, a ‘frozen heart’ and identifying a core belief that God/Universe/Source is a cruel and predatory being out to play cruel jokes on me to even working through the questioning that this whole thing a load of BS….

The guidance channelled is direct, accurate, at times cryptic and never without a dash of humour. Its only guidance, the real transformation comes from taking personal ownership and action with the guidance, to dig and go deep, work with it, question what it means, call in your guides and learn your Soul to help unveil the way, persevere and be courageous. I now  experience my life from a fulfilled, empowered and more whole place. I am way more present and have access to a Source of wisdom and truth that I use to navigate my life and importantly my relationships in a far more resourceful, confident and successful way. Has it been an easy journey? Not all the time? Has it been what I expected? Way more than I could ever have imagined or describe? Will I continue? Definitely. Thank you, Taryn for who you are and leading the way back “home”.”

*** Sjeanne Cawdry ***

“I could write a book about what Taryn has done for me, but in short, her guidance has changed my life and radically for the better.  Issues that I’ve been grappling with for years have taken 1 or 2 sessions to resolve.  Challenges that I did not even know about (my blind spots) have surfaced and helped me grow.  I have a new and refreshing lens of the world, I also have the gift of being more self-aware, through Taryn’s valuable teachings and guidance.  I love the monthly workshops and the surrender sessions, LIFE CHANGING!”

*** Nikki ***

“Discovering Taryn and Surrender to your Soul has been without a doubt the most life changing experience of my life. A year ago I was such an angry and confused person. I hated myself and where my life was going. After a few surrender healing sessions with Taryn, I felt my whole being change and shift. I finally knew that this path of spirituality was the path I had been searching for the whole time. Things in my life that never made sense to me, in terms of relationships with Family members and relationships with people in general clicked into place, My anger for myself started to lift and I started accepting myself for who I am and more importantly I started to love myself.

These few words aren’t enough to describe how Surrendering to my soul has changed me and helped me but for anyone who is maybe feeling the same way I used to and deep down you know you deserve better and want to shift, then please start your healing journey here, with Surrender to you Soul.”

***Nathalie Gourel-Rivalland***

“Taryn, through individual coaching and workshops, has helped me to forge forward into my new career. She helped me to take the leap and to put the fear behind me. The workshops are a wonderful way of meeting like-minded people and are conducted in a fun and supportive environment, thanks to the Taryn’s warm nature. I highly recommend Taryn’s coaching and workshops to anyone interested in clarifying their path, in gaining a deeper understanding of spirituality and for personal growth in general.”

*** Kathy Mann ***

For years my life was Ok, however, I could not explain why I behaved the way I did or why the same thing kept on happening to me.  I felt frustrated, angry and hurt at times and eventually when I couldnt stand this anymore,  I contacted Taryn to help me understand what was causing this.

That day changed my life, looking back it was the moment that my life took a turn for the better and my life started to make sense.

It was the first time I felt peace with myself and understood what was happening for me and to me.  I needed to clear deep hurts and pain however with Taryn’s help I am a changed person. I am experiencing joy, peace and love on another level and found my purpose in the world.

I was scared, sceptical and afraid to take the first step, but extremely happy and thankful I did.

Meeting Taryn was the best decision I ever made.” 

*** Anina Kleynhans ***

Dear Taryn

I would like to thank you so much for the amazing Crystal workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, which went so quickly! I was opened to a brand new world of seeing and understanding the beauty and healing aspects of crystals.

I cant wait for the next workshop.”

*** Janet Stone ***

“I have been on my soul journey with Taryn since July 2015.

And my life as I knew it transformed on levels unimagined already during our very first session.

Through Taryns work my soul revealed all the fabulous parts of me that I have left scattered across many worlds, relationships, events and experiences and through roller-coaster, intense and joyous travels assisted me to become more centered and rediscover, remember, collect and gather all my pieces back home to heal and live in light and love as the infinite divine being I was created to be.

My spiritual life and journey with Taryn is ongoing, filled with deep gratitude, and layered with abundant gifts of bringing myself back to myself in her truest, purest, most loving and balanced form in the here and now. To step fully into my life as the powerful and best version of me in every moment and live from that authentic place: my core soul being.

Thank you Taryn.”

*** Salome Saaiman ***

“Change is hard, it’s painful and even traumatic at times. Taryn has lovingly ‘held’ me through every process, every step of the way.  She has been patient when I’ve stubbornly refused to see what’s right in front of me.

Working with Taryn is like therapy on steroids!!

I could hope to achieve in two years what Taryn guides me to achieve in two hours.

It may sound dramatic and too good to be true but Taryn has totally changed my life!”

*** Jacqui Howard-Tripp **

Contact Details

Address: Johannesburg
Cell : 082 494 9304

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